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Buckman Jet Drilling, Inc., BJD, is primarily a research and development company that has developed patented radial jet drilling methods and technology to economically enhance the production of oil and gas wells. Based on high-pressure jet drilling technology, the BJD drilling system provides a highly economical method for significantly enhancing oil and gas production on both existing wells and new wells.
- Multiple Formations & Applications
- Easy and Inexpensive to Deploy
- Proven & Patented Technology
- Multiple Commercial Opportunities

Advanced Patented Technology
The heart of the BJD drilling system is a patented cutting nozzle (jet bit). We also hold patents in jet drilling methods, tool designs for sand jetting, chemical stimulation, and more.
View Our Intellectual Property

Increased Conductivity & Production
Our patented cutting nozzle (jet bit) provides the ability to penetrate the well casing and drill lateral boreholes that increase the surface contact with the oil and gas.
Explore Our Patented Jet Bit

Field Proven Results & Enhancements
Buckman’s process and patented jet bit (250 HP) has been demonstrated to drill hard Sandstone, Limestone, Dolomite, Austin Chalk, Barnett shale, and Marcellus Shale.
Enhanced Production Info
Proven OnHard & Soft Rock
Buckman Jet Drilling Improves the fracing process by directing the fracing along jet drilled laterals. This produces more uniform fracing in the reservoir. The application of jet drilling will be used extensively in the future to direct both small and large fracs. Our nozzles have been tested and proven to drill through the following materials.

Berea Sandstone
A standard for drilling. Porosity 16%, Permeability 67 milliDarcies. Found throughout many oil reservoirs in KY and Ohio.
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Barnett Shale
Texas Barnett Shale core is a hard rock. It is found in unconventional reservoirs for fracing.
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Marcellus Shale
Ohio Marcellus Shale core is a hard rock found in unconventional reservoirs for fracing.